Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Feng Shui 2024-Go directly to Module 1 video

    2. History of Feng Shui. Chi. Yin Yang, 5 Elements. Cycles

    3. Module 1 Video-History of Fend Shui, 5 Elements, Yin Yang, Chi, Cycles

    4. Complete PDF File of Course for your reference.

    1. Module 2 Video-Analyzing Your Home's Energy, Decluttering, Front Door, Mirror. Bedroom. Office. Red Ribbon Cure

    1. Module 3 Video-Superstition or Awareness, Basic Bagua, Flying Stars,

    1. Module 4 Video-Flying Stars Continued

    1. Module 4 continued-VIDEO-Last Part-Flying Stars

    1. Module 5 Video-Animal signs-AuspicousColors

About this course

  • $388.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today